Virginia Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapist Continuing Education and License Renewals

virginia counselors and mfts continuing education and license renewalsVirginia-licensed mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty (20) continuing education hours are required for license renewal. There are no limits on home study. Two (2) hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required. National accreditations include APA, NBCC, and NAADAC.

Professional Development Resources is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #5590) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.

Professional Development Resources is also approved as a provider of continuing education by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Continuing Education Requirements

Mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists licensed in the state of Virginia have a yearly license renewal with a deadline of June 30th. To renew a license, twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required, and there are no home study limits. Please note that two (2) hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required. National accreditations include APA, NBCC, and NAADAC.

Information gathered from the Virginia Board of Counseling on April 15, 2014.

Continuing Education Courses for Mental Health Counselors:

Continuing Education Courses for Marriage and Family Therapists:



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Virginia Social Workers Continuing Education and License Renewals

virginia social workers continuing educationVirginia-licensed social workers have a biennial license renewal with a June 30th deadline, odd years. Thirty (30) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license.

A minimum of twenty (20) hours required from Category 1 courses. LSW’s are required to complete fifteen (15) hours of continuing education with a minimum of ten (10) Category 1 hours.

There is no limit on home study if ASWB approved (Category 1 “formal” courses.) In addition, two hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavior science professionals in Virginia. Licensees must determine if the course is appropriate for licensing.

The reason for continuing education is to encourage the highest possible standards for the social work profession. All licensees are required to participate in continuing education as a licensing condition.

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education for social workers by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program).

Continuing Education Requirements

Virginia-licensed social workers have a license renewal every two years with a June 30th deadline, odd years. Thirty (30) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license, and there is a minimum of twenty (20) hours required from Category 1 courses. LSW’s are required to complete fifteen (15) hours of continuing education with a minimum of ten (10) Category 1 hours. There is no limit on home study if ASWB approved (Category 1 “formal” courses.) In addition, two hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavior science professionals in Virginia. Licensees are responsible for determining if the course is appropriate for licensing.

Information obtained from the Virginia Board of Social Work on June 21, 2013.

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Virginia Psychologists Continuing Education and License Renewals

virginia psychologists continuing educationVirginia-licensed psychologists have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Fourteen (14) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license. Of the 14 hours, eight (8) hours are allowed from home study if APA approved. Six hours must be live. Other requirements include 1.5 hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing the profession of psychology.

The purpose of continuing education is to encourage the highest possible standards for the psychology profession. All licensees are required to participate in continuing education as a licensing condition.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

Continuing Education Requirements

Virginia-licensed psychologists have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Fourteen (14) hours of continuing education are required for license renewals. Of the 14 hours, eight (8) hours are allowed from home study if APA approved. Six hours must be live. Other requirements include 1.5 hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing the profession of psychology.

Information obtained from the Virginia Board of Psychology on June 12, 2013.


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Virginia Marriage and Family Therapists Continuing Education and License Renewals

5.0.2Virginia-licensed marriage and family therapists have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license, and there is no limit on home study if APA approved. Two hours of ethics, standards of practice or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required at each renewal.

The top purpose for continuing education is to assure the highest possible standards for the marriage and family therapy profession. All licensees are required to participate in continuing education as a condition of licensing.

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program); by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC Provider #5590); by the American Psychological Association (APA); and by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC, Provider #000279).

Requirements for Continuing Education

Marriage and family therapists licensed in the state of Virginia have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license. There is no limit on home study if APA approved. Two hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required at each renewal.

Information obtained from the Virginia Board of Counseling on June 8, 2013.


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Renewal Information for Pennsylvania Psychologists

Pennsylvania-licensed Psychologists have an upcoming renewal deadline of November 30, 2011.

Pennsylvania-licensed psychologist license renewal deadline November 30, 2011

Click on image to view courses

Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology
View the Board Website
or Email the Board
Phone: 717-783-7155
CE Required: 30 hours every 2 years
Home Study Allowed: 15 hours
License Expiration: 11/30, odd years
National Accreditation Accepted: APA
Notes: 3 hrs ethics required each renewal
Date of Info: 8/11/2011

License renewal cycle and fees:

Licenses expire 11/30 of every odd-numbered year. The board mails renewal notices 2 to 3 months prior to the license expiration date. Notices are mailed to the most recent address the licensee has reported to the Board. The Postal Service does not forward licenses.

The renewal fee is $300.00. Continuing Education Requirements – 30 contact hours of acceptable continuing education, including at least 3 contact hours in ethics, is required for renewal.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content. Pennsylvania-licensed psychologists are allowed to earn up to 15 hours per renewal cycle through online coursework.

Over 100 online courses for psychologists are available at:

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Renewal Information for Virginia Psychologists

Virginia Psychologist License Renewal Deadline: June 30, 2011

License Renewal Deadline: 6/30, annually
CE Required: 14 hours, annually
Ethics Required: 1.5 hours, annually
Online CE Allowed: 8 hours (6 hours must be face-to-face)
Accreditation Accepted: APA

Virginia Psychologist License Renewal Deadline

Virginia Psychologist License Renewal

Questions and Answers on Continuing Competency Requirements:

Q: When must I have the required number of continuing competency hours completed in order to renew my license?
A: The requirement must be completed between July 1st and June 30th immediately preceding an annual renewal cycle (June 30, 20XX). You will be required to sign a certification on your annual renewal form attesting that you have met the continuing competency requirements. Falsification on the renewal form is a violation of law and may subject you to disciplinary action.

Q: Am I required to send in evidence of my continuing competency hours at the time I renew?
A: No. The Board will randomly select licensees for a post-renewal audit. If selected, you would be notified by mail that documentation is required and given a time frame within which to comply.

Q: Who maintains the required documents for verification of continuing competency hours?
A: It is the responsibility of the individual psychologist to maintain the transcripts, certificates, and any other continuing competency forms or records for four years following the annual renewal period in which they were used. Do not send any forms or documents to the Board of Psychology unless requested to do so.

Q: Are there Board forms that I need to use for documenting my compliance with the continued competency requirement?
A: No. Should you be chosen in the random sampling, you would be asked to provide official transcripts or certificates of completion from approved providers (18 VAC 125-20-123.C.1.2.)

Q: How does the Board define course?
A: “Course” means an organized program of study, classroom experience or similar educational experience that is directly related to the practice of psychology and is provided by a board-approved provider that meets the criteria specified in section 18 VAC 125-20-122.

For more information, visit the Virginia Board of Psychology website.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

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Renewal Information for Virginia Counselors & MFTs

Renewal Information for Virginia Counselors & MFTs

Annual License Renewal Deadline for Virginia Counselors & MFTs is June 30th

Virginia Counselors and MFTs renew their licenses annually on June 30th. The following continuing education requirements must be met in order to renew:

  • 20 hours of continuing education (CE) are required annually to renew
  • 2 hours must be in ethics, standards of practice or laws governing behavioral science professionals in Virginia
  • Courses offered by NBCC, APA or NAADAC-approved providers are accepted
  • All 20 hours are allowed from online courses offered by approved providers

Visit the Virginia Board of Counseling website for more information.

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC Provider #5590); by the American Psychological Association (APA); and by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC, Provider #000279). View additional accreditations here.

Renewal Information for Virginia Counselors & MFTs

Continuing education courses for Virginia-licensed counselors and MFTs

Click here to view continuing education courses for Virginia-licensed Counselors & MFTs

Virginia-licensed counselors and MFTs renew their licenses annually on June 30th.

  • 20 hours of continuing education are required per year to renew
  • 2 hours must be in ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professionals in Virginia
  • There is no limit on hours earned through online or home study coursework
  • Courses offered by APA, NBCC, and NAADAC approved providers are accepted by the Board

For more information regarding licensing in Virginia, please visit the Virginia Board of Counseling website @

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC Provider #5590); by the American Psychological Association (APA); and by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC, Provider #000279).

Over 150 online, web-based, mail order and test only home study courses are available to meet the CE needs of Virginia-licensed counselors and MFTs.

Renewal Information for Virginia Psychologists

Virginia Psychology License Renewal InformationVirginia-licensed psychologists renew their licenses annually, on June 30th.

14 hours of continuing education are required (annually) to renew.

  • 6 hours must be earned in face-to-face or real-time interactive educational experiences
  • A minimum of 1.5 hours shall be in ethics, standards of practice or laws governing the profession of psychology in Virginia

Courses offered by APA-approved providers are accepted.

Board website:

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

Need CE? Visit today to SAVE 10% on over 100 accredited CE courses for psychologists. Enter coupon code PDRB10 during checkout to redeem.