By: Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, NCC, LMHC
CE Credit: 3 Hours
Target Audience: Psychology | Counseling | Social Work | Occupational Therapy | Marriage & Family Therapy
Learning Level: Intermediate
Course Type : Online

By: Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, NCC, LMHC
CE Credit: 3 Hours
Target Audience: Psychology | Counseling | Social Work | Occupational Therapy | Marriage & Family Therapy
Learning Level: Intermediate
Course Type : Online
Time is running out to save 29% on CE with our Leap Day promo. If you haven’t taken advantage of the sale yet, now is the time to act!
Just use coupon code LEAPDAY12 at checkout to apply the savings. Coupon valid on future orders only (cannot be applied retroactively). Offer expires at midnight tomorrow (2/29/12).
Happy birthday to Patricia, who is celebrating her Sweet 16 this Leap Day!
Were You Born on February 29th?
If so, you’re in luck! Email a photo of your ID with birthdate and we’ll give you a FREE online CE course of your choice. Send photo to [email protected] along with the title of the course you’d like. (Select from any course @
Happy Leap Day!
Welcome to the oldest annotated directory of online psychology and mental health resources. This directory began in 1992 and was originally published in the Usenet newsgroups; it was transferred to its current Web-based format in 1995. Every resource contained herein has been personally reviewed by Dr. Grohol.
3 Hours CE for only $20.25! (25% Off!)
This course is based on the public-access publication, Caring for a Person with Alzheimer’s Disease: Your Easy-to-Use Guide from the National Institute on Aging. The booklet discusses practical issues concerning caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, including a description of common challenges and coping strategies. Advice is provided regarding keeping the person safe, providing everyday care, adapting activities to suit their needs, and planning ahead for health, legal, and financial issues. Chapters also discuss self-care for caregivers, sources of assistance for caregivers in need, residential options for care, common medical issues, and end-of-life care. This course is relevant to clinicians who work with elderly individuals, their families, and their caretakers.
Nearly every client who walks through a health professional’s door is experiencing some form of anxiety. Even if they are not seeking treatment for a specific anxiety disorder, they are likely experiencing anxiety as a side effect of other clinical issues. For this reason, a solid knowledge of anxiety management skills should be a basic component of every therapist’s repertoire. Clinicians who can teach practical anxiety management techniques have tools that can be used in nearly all clinical settings and client diagnoses. Anxiety management benefits the clinician as well, helping to maintain energy, focus, and inner peace both during and between sessions.
The purpose of this continuing education course is to offer a collection of ready-to-use anxiety management tools. 2007 | 41 pages | 30 posttest questions | Course #40-12
Customer Reviews:
CE Credit: 4 Hours (0.4 CEUs)
Target Audience: Psychology Counseling Social-Work Occupational-Therapy Marriage-and-Family
Learning Level: Intermediate
Online Course: $56
Learning Objectives:
About the Author:
Lisa M. Schab, MSW, LCSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Libertyville, Illinois. A graduate of Loyola University School of Social Work, Ms. Schab has specialized in anxiety and depression, blended families, and the treatment and prevention of eating problems and disorders. She has presented a number of professional training seminars and is the author of several books and continuing education courses, among them:
Free learning module on behavior change counseling from Nutrition in Medicine:
This new 3-hour online continuing education course, Autism Spectrum Disorders in Schools: Evidence-Based Screening & Assessment, is now ASHA-approved and available for credit by Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists.
Abstract: Epidemiological studies indicate a progressively rising prevalence trend for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) over the past decade. Yet, compared with general population estimates, children with mild to moderate autistic behaviors remain an underidentified and underserved population in our schools. School professionals should be prepared to recognize the presence of risk factors and/or early warning signs of ASD and be familiar with screening and assessment tools in order to ensure that students with ASD are being identified and provided with the appropriate programs and services. The objective of this course is to summarize the empirically-based screening and assessment methodology in ASD and to describe a comprehensive developmental approach for assessing students with ASD. Course #30-53 | 2011 | 43 pages | 40 posttest questions
Learning Objectives:
About the Author:
Accreditation Statement:
This course is offered for .3 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).
ASHA credit expires 2/19/2014. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the quarterly completion report from the ASHA Approved CE Provider. Please note that the date that appears on ASHA transcripts is the last day of the quarter in which the course was completed.
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Virginia-licensed counselors and MFTs renew their licenses annually on June 30th.
For more information regarding licensing in Virginia, please visit the Virginia Board of Counseling website @
Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC Provider #5590); by the American Psychological Association (APA); and by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC, Provider #000279).
Over 150 online, web-based, mail order and test only home study courses are available to meet the CE needs of Virginia-licensed counselors and MFTs.