Via – Healthcare Continuing Education
This 8-hour CE course offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art anger management program and is a must-have manual for the practitioner. The authors are distinguished researchers, teachers and practitioners in the field of anger management, and their book offers a detailed, research-based and empirically validated “anger episode model.” This indispensable resource for human service professionals emphasizes how to help clients understand, manage, and prevent unhealthy anger. The book is packed with detailed procedures, examples, exercises, and client handouts. Impact Publishers | 2002 | 304 pages | 36 posttest questions | Course #80-33
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Tag Archives: mail order course
Treating Bipolar Disorder – Only 5 Left!
Via – Healthcare Continuing Education
This 6-hour CE course presents a powerful approach for helping people manage bipolar illness and protect against the recurrence of manic or depressive episodes. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy focuses on stabilizing moods by improving medication adherence, building coping skills and relationship satisfaction, and shoring up the regularity of daily rhythms or routines. Each phase of this flexible, evidence-based treatment is vividly detailed, from screening, assessment, and case conceptualization through acute therapy, maintenance treatment, and periodic booster sessions. Among the special features are reproducible assessment tools and a chapter on how to overcome specific treatment challenges. Guilford | 2005 | 212 pages | Course #60-69
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“Test Only” CE Courses
Professional Development Resources offers a “test only” option for each of their continuing education courses, whether is it an online course, a mail order course, or a discontinued course. The “test only” is simply just that: the CE test ONLY. Course materials and/or books are not included. The point of this option is to allow you to receive continuing education credit for a course that you might already have the book for, or want to check out from the library. It also allows healthcare professionals to share course materials and save money by spliting the cost of the book or online course materials. You receive instant access to the online CE test, which you can complete online anytime.
- After purchasing a Test Only course, go to My Courses of your account dashboard
- Click the link to attend the course under Current Courses
- Click the link to View/Print/Take CE Test (we recommend printing for use while reading the course materials, all tests are open-book, multiple-choice, 80% required to pass, 3 chances to take test)
- Read the course materials and mark your answers on your printed CE test
- When ready to receive credit – go back to My Courses – click link to View/Print/Take CE Test – mark your answers on the online test and submit when finished. Tests are instantly scored and results are only shown upon grading (scroll down to see answers missed).
- Submit Course Evaluation – your certificate is not generated until the evaluation has been submitted. Your certificate will be dated the day you submit the evaluation.