By Marcus Clarke @psysci
7 Reasons Drinking Will Only Make Things Worse
There have been songs written about it. Relationships have begun, and ended, under it’s influence. We have some when we are happy, and when we are sad. There have even been, in the case of Dionysus, religious figures worshiped because of their connection with it. What is it? Yes, you’ve guessed it: alcohol.
Though we tend to associated alcohol with having a good time, and science backs this up, with research showing that alcohol stimulates dopamine neurons on the reward pathway, and opioid cells that release endorphins, there is a limit. After a certain amount of alcohol, it is speculated that it is about 0.05% blood alcohol level, this is no longer the case.
Your mood will drop, and things will go downhill. Though it is common for people who are depressed to use alcohol to make them feel better, and even to rely on it to get through the day, the negative effects will only be exacerbated in those with depression. Why is this? Below are seven reasons why drinking will only make your depression worse.
1. People who drink are more likely to harm themselves
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, self-harm and suicide are much more common in those with a drinking problem. This is further supported by the National Institute of Health, who claim “Alcohol abuse may lead to suicidality through disinhibition, impulsiveness and impaired judgment, but it may also be used as a means to ease the distress associated with committing an act of suicide.” So it may reduce inhibitions and allow someone to cope with the pain they go through as they contemplate suicide. These facts are both pretty compelling reasons for giving up drinking.
2. Could drinking be the cause of your depression?
According to the APA, Drinking problems also have a very negative impact on mental health. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can worsen existing conditions such as depression or induce new problems such as serious memory loss, depression or anxiety.
Alcohol problems don’t just hurt the drinker. Spouses and children of heavy drinkers may face family violence; children may suffer physical and sexual abuse and neglect and develop psychological problems. Women who drink during pregnancy run a serious risk of damaging their fetuses. Relatives, friends and strangers can be injured or killed in alcohol-related accidents and assaults.
For example, Science Daily outlines a 30-year study of 400 men. Nearly 50% had a genetic predisposition towards alcoholism. Over a number of decades, almost half of the men with fathers who were alcoholics developed problems with alcohol, with one fifth suffering a bout of major depression.
3. Alcohol can exacerbate your symptoms
Though you may think a drink will make you feel better, and it may, transiently, it will actually make your symptoms worse in both the long and short term. Alcohol changes brain chemistry, which can make you more depressed. As well as this, hangovers increase feelings anxiety, worry and guilt. Also, alcohol consumption can affect your life in other ways: you may find yourself having arguments with family, quarreling about your drinking and you may make poor decisions under the influence. This will only make you feel more depressed.
4. Alcohol can increase Risky Behavior
In addition to exacerbating depression symptoms, alcohol increases impulsivity, decreases inhibitions and impairs judgment, so you’re essentially not thinking straight — or like yourself. You’re unable to make informed and rational decisions. This can put you in dangerous situations and lead you to do things that you later regret which only serves to deepen depression symptoms.
5. Alcohol affects your health in other ways, which will prevent you getting over your depression
As well as the effects on your mental health, alcohol can affect your physical health in many ways. The National Institute of Health lists a dizzying array of disorders, including cirrhosis, many cancers and heart problems that can be caused or made worse by drinking. Of course, if you are unhealthy, this will make you feel worse, and will make it harder for you to fight your depression. Also, there is a correlation between adequate nutrition, including getting the correct vitamins and minerals, and mood.
6. Alcohol can lead to other mental health problems in addition to your depression, such as anxiety and serious memory loss
According to the APA alcohol abuse and alcoholism can worsen existing conditions such as depression. Also, it can create new problems such as serious memory loss and anxiety. As you know, depression is hard enough to cope with, and you do not want to add another disorder to the things you have to cope with.
7. It’s a vicious circle
With depression and anxiety, it’s a chicken or egg situation. Even the scientific evidence is unclear on whether alcohol causes depression, or whether depression will cause you to drink more. In fact, the reality is almost certainly much more complex. However, one thing is clear: if you stop drinking, your symptoms will probably improve, and perhaps go away completely.
Given this, the evidence is sobering (ahem). There are many reasons why if you are depressed, you should give up the drink. Drinking will only worsen your mental health issues and, according to some studies, abstinence may actually eliminate your depression.
Marcus regularly blogs at psysci, a psychology, science blog that examines the latest research and explains how findings can impact and improve people’s lives.
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