Gaslighting New Online CE Course

Gaslighting is a new 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that
provides clinicians with tools to help clients overcome the emotional effects from the psychological manipulation known as “gaslighting.”

Gaslighting is a new 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that describes a very widespread phenomenon involving an abnormal pattern of behavior, known colloquially as “gaslighting.”

The characteristics and the consequences of this major disorder remain unfamiliar to most laypeople and even to most health care practitioners. Gaslighting has been insufficiently studied and is rarely mentioned in classrooms, abnormal psychology textbooks, or medical literature. Yet, individuals in intimate relationships, in the workplace, in social media, in politics, and even in governments have displayed the behaviors of gaslighting.

Awareness of gaslighting and its potentially devasting emotional effects will be helpful to health care professionals, who stand ready to assist in overcoming the extraordinary limitations it can have on clients and patients’ personal and social functioning.

This course will focus on individuals’ behaviors, the perpetrators and targets, and the typical consequences which appear in those targets. In addition, we will discuss the experts’ suggested strategies to cope with the perpetrators’ efforts. It is important for all of us to alert and inform citizens to be aware that gaslighting does indeed occur in the larger societal arenas as well. Course #11-38 | 2020 | 20 pages | 10 posttest questions

Click here to learn more.

This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. The course is text-based (reading) and the CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).

Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Professional Development Resources is also approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP #5590); the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program); the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA Provider #3159); the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR Provider #PR001); the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy; the Florida Boards of Social Work, Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy (#BAP346), Psychology & School Psychology (#50-1635), Dietetics & Nutrition (#50-1635), and Occupational Therapy Practice (#34); the Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy; the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0135); the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker & MFT Board (#RCST100501); the South Carolina Board of Professional Counselors & MFTs (#193); the Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists (#114) and State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678); and is CE Broker compliant (all courses are reported within a few days of completion).

Enjoy 20% off all online continuing education (CE/CEU) courses @pdresources.orgClick here for details.

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Executive Functioning in Children CE Course

Executive Functioning: Teaching Children Organizational Skills is a new 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies and tools for helping children succeed through overcoming executive functioning deficits.

Executive Functioning: Teaching Children Organizational Skills is a new 4-hour online CE course that provides strategies and tools for helping children succeed through overcoming executive functioning deficits.

Executive functioning skills represent a key set of mental assets that help connect past experience with present action. They are fundamental to performing activities such as planning, organizing, strategizing, paying attention to and remembering details, and managing time and space.

Conversely, executive functioning deficits can significantly disrupt an individual’s ability to perform even simple tasks effectively. Although children with executive functioning difficulties may be at a disadvantage at home and at school, adults can employ many different strategies to help them succeed.

This course will enumerate and illustrate multiple strategies and tools for helping children overcome executive functioning deficits and improve their self-esteem and organizational abilities. Included are techniques for planning and prioritizing, managing emotions, improving communication, developing stress tolerance, building time management skills, increasing sustained attention, and boosting working memory. Course #40-50 | 2020 | 70 pages | 25 posttest questions

Click here to learn more.

This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. The course is text-based (reading) and the CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).

Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Professional Development Resources is also approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP #5590); the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program); the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA Provider #3159); the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR Provider #PR001); the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy; the Florida Boards of Social Work, Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy (#BAP346), Psychology & School Psychology (#50-1635), Dietetics & Nutrition (#50-1635), and Occupational Therapy Practice (#34); the Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy; the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0135); the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker & MFT Board (#RCST100501); the South Carolina Board of Professional Counselors & MFTs (#193); the Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists (#114) and State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678); and is CE Broker compliant (all courses are reported within a few days of completion).

Enjoy 20% off all online continuing education (CE/CEU) courses @pdresources.orgClick here for details.

Earn CE Wherever YOU Love to Be!

Eating Disorder Toolkit – New CE Course

Eating Disorder Toolkit is a new 1-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides an overview of the current research on the prevalence, treatment, and role of the RDN in the care of eating disorders.

Eating Disorder Toolkit is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides an overview of the current research on the prevalence, treatment, and role of the RDN in the care of eating disorders.

Eating disorders (ED) are severe psychiatric disorders that are associated with increased levels of social, psychological, and physical impairment as well as high levels of morbidity and mortality. This toolkit will address the three main eating disorders as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Anorexia Nervosa (AN), and Bulimia Nervosa (BN). The previous catch-all category of Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) has been replaced with Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED) and will not be discussed in this course.

Goals of medical nutrition therapy for eating disorders will be discussed, along with steps in the Nutrition Care Process. Laboratory values to monitor, signs/symptoms and risk factors to consider, and treatment guidelines are provided. A final section includes a case study, resources for both clinicians and clients, and screening tools to assess the presence of an eating disorder. Course #11-27 | 2019 | 21 pages | 10 posttest questions


This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. After enrolling, click on My Account and scroll down to My Active Courses. From here you’ll see links to download/print the course materials and take the CE test (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).

Successful completion of the online CE test (80% required to pass, 3 chances to take) and course evaluation are required to earn a certificate of completion. Click here to learn more. Have a question? Contact us. We’re here to help!


Jen Ross, MSH, RDN, LDN, FAND, is an instructor in the College of Health at the University of North Florida (UNF), where she is currently completing her doctorate in clinical nutrition. Her areas of focus include counseling, intuitive and mindful eating, binge eating, impulsive & compulsive eating, eating disorders, weight concerns, recipe modification, insulin resistance, and maternal/infant nutrition. Jen received her BA in Human Services from Elon College, and BSH and MSH in Health Science/Nutrition from UNF.


Professional Development Resources is a CPE Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR #PR001). CPE accreditation does not constitute endorsement by CDR of provider programs or materials. Feedback for this activity can be sent directly to CDR. Professional Development Resources is also a provider with the Florida Council of Dietetics and Nutrition (#50-1635) and is CE Broker compliant (all courses are reported within a few days of completion).

PDR offers over 75 CDR-approved online CE courses for dietitians. Click here to view all.

Enjoy 20% off all online continuing education (CE/CEU) courses @pdresources.orgClick here for details.

Earn CE Wherever YOU Love to Be!

After the War Zone – New ‘Test Only’ CE Course

CE Credit: 6 Hours (0.6 CEUs)
Target Audience: Psychology Counseling Social-Work Marriage-and-Family
Learning Level: Introductory

Course Abstract:

Note: this is a ‘test only’ course (does not include the book). The textbook can be purchased through Amazon or another source.
After the War ZoneThis course is based on the book After the War Zone: A Practical Guide for Returning Troops and Their Families (2008, 304 pages) written by Laurie Slone, PhD and Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD, of the VA National Center for PTSD and Dartmouth Medical School. The book describes the experience of deployment and return from a war zone, typical experiences of military personnel, and issues relevant to special populations (women, ethnic minorities, peacekeepers, private contractors, and parents and extended family of affected individuals). It provides valuable insight into the military culture, as well as containing many useful military terms and definitions that would be essential for a lay clinician to know when working with military clients. As a psychoeducational tool for military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, this book may be used by clinicians as a recommendation for reading when conducting individual, family, or couples therapy with military patients or veterans. Course #60-88 | 2008 | 58 posttest questions

Learning Objectives:

1. Define essential terminology relevant to the military and military operations, including the acronym BATTLEMIND.
2. Identify some basic information and statistics regarding today’s military and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
3. List common practical issues for military personnel and their families before, during, and after deployment, and common solutions to those issues.
4. Identify common emotional experiences among military personnel and their families before, during, and after deployment.
5. Identify warning signs and symptoms of PTSD, TBI, alcohol and drug abuse, suicidal tendencies, and domestic violence among military personnel, and how these differ from common reactions to being in a war zone
6. Identify coping strategies that troops and their families can use to facilitate adjustment.
7. Identify special populations affected by the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and issues that are specific to those populations.
8. Identify federal laws and federal, private, and volunteer organizations that provide support to troops.
9. Apply information provided in this book to several case scenarios.

About the Author(s):

Laurie Slone, PhD, is the Associate Director for Research and Education of the VA National Center for PTSD and an assistant professor at Dartmouth Medical School.
Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD, is Executive Director of the VA National Center for PTSD and a professor of Psychiatry and of Pharmacology at Dartmouth Medical School.

CE Information:

Professional Development Resources is recognized as a provider of continuing education by the following:
APA: American Psychological Association
ASWB: Association of Social Work Boards (#1046)
NBCC: National Board for Certified Counselors (#5590)
NAADAC: National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors (#00279)
California: Board of Behavioral Sciences (#PCE1625)
Florida: Boards of SW, MFT & MHC (#BAP346); Psychology & School Psychology (#50-1635); Dietetics & Nutrition (#50-1635); Occupational Therapy Practice (#34). PDResources is CE Broker compliant.
Illinois: DPR for Social Work (#159-00531)
Ohio: Counselor, Social Worker & MFT Board (#RCST100501)
South Carolina: Board of Professional Counselors & MFTs (#193)
Texas: Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists (#114) & State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678)