By PDResources
Mississippi-licensed occupational therapists have a license renewal every two years with an April 30th deadline, even years. Twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required to renew a license. Out of the twenty hours, seven (7) are allowed from online courses. Six (6) hours must be live, and related to occupational therapy practice.
Occupational Therapy
Mississippi Advisory Council in Occupational Therapy
View the Board Website
Phone: 601-364-7360
CE Required: 20 hours every 2 years
Online CE Allowed: 7 hours
License Expiration: 4/30, even years
National Accreditation Accepted: AOTA
Notes: 6 hours must directly relate to OT practice & be live
Date of Info: 11/24/2015
Professional Development Resources is an AOTA-approved provider of continuing education (#3159). The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
Continuing Education Courses for Occupational Therapists
Improving Social Skills in Children & Adolescents is a 4-hour online continuing education course that discusses the social skills children and adolescents will need to develop to be successful in school and beyond. It will demonstrate the challenges and difficulties that arise from a deficit of these crucial skills, as well as the benefits and advantages that can come about with well-developed social skills.This course will also provide practical tools that teachers and therapists can employ to guide children to overcome their difficulties in the social realm and gain social competence. While there are hundreds of important social skills for students to learn, we can organize them into skill areas to make it easier to identify and determine appropriate interventions. This course is divided into 10 chapters, each detailing various aspects of social skills that children, teens, and adults must master to have normative, healthy relationships with the people they encounter every day. This course provides tools and suggestions that, with practice and support, can assist them in managing their social skills deficits to function in society and nurture relationships with the peers and adults in their lives.
This is the first course in a three part series and includes the story of Deirdre Rand’s journey with her animal companions and the lessons learned from the challenges and rewards of those relationships. Also discussed are temperament, socialization and training; the role of the neurohormone oxytocin in strengthening the human-companion animal bond; the founding of the three major organizations which register volunteer handler/therapy teams, along with the contributions of key historic figures in developing animal-assisted therapy as we know it today; examples of animal-assisted interventions with dogs, cats and other animals; and attributes of a great therapy animal and a great handler.
Cyberbullying is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews evidenced-based research for identification, management and prevention of cyberbullying in children, adolescents and adults. Bullies have moved from the playground and workplace to the online world, where anonymity can facilitate bullying behavior. Cyberbullying is intentional, repeated harm to another person using communication technology. It is not accidental or random. It is targeted to a person with less perceived power. This may be someone younger, weaker, or less knowledgeable about technology. Any communication device may be used to harass or intimidate a victim, such as a cell phone, tablet, or computer. Any communication platform may host cyberbullying: social media sites (Facebook, Twitter), applications (Snapchat, AIM), websites (forums or blogs), and any place where one person can communicate with – or at – another person electronically. The short and long-term effects of bullying are considered as significant as neglect or maltreatment as a type of child abuse. This course will describe specific cyberbullying behaviors, review theories that attempt to explain why bullying happens, list the damaging effects that befall its victims, and discuss strategies professionals can use to prevent or manage identified cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a fast-growing area of concern and all healthcare professionals should be equipped to spot the signs and provide support for our patients and clients, as well as keep up with the technology that drives cyberbullying.
This is a test only course (book not included). The book (or e-book) can be purchased from Amazon or some other source.This CE test is based on the book “Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists, 7th Ed.” (2013, 369 pages), a highly readable text that has become the go-to resource for thousands of mental health clinicians seeking a reliable and easy-to-reference resource detailing the indications, contraindications, and side effects of psychopharmaceuticals. Organized by disorder and, within each disorder, by medication, this book is a vital addition to any clinician’s bookshelf. An overview of neurobiology is presented which provides a foundation for the discussions of pharmacology and both adult and childhood disorders are explored. This seventh edition includes an important new chapter on withdrawing from psychopharmacological medications that will prove useful for therapists seeking to help their clients change medication or stop taking a psychopharmacological medication. An extensive appendix and sidebars throughout the text provide additional information and discussion.
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