What do you do when you’re around someone who can’t seem to notice or say anything positive? It can be tough to not let their mood and outlook have an effect.
So, who tends to breed negativity in your life? Is it your boss, coworker, family, or friends? Maybe you’re the one who tends to view things pessimistically at times.
Either way, no one will always have a wonderful day free of frustrations. We are simply going to experience negativity at times; but despite this we do have a choice in how we let negativity effect us. When we experience a negative person it’s important to not them bring us down.
If you’re having a difficult time with a negative person, here are a few ideas to consider.
1) Learn to respond instead of react. This means recognizing when we are encountering negativity so we can prepare mentally and decide how we want to respond. We may want to ignore the comments and not let them get to us, however depending on the situation we may have to interact with the person…