Texas-licensed psychologists have an annual license renewal with a birth month deadline.
Twenty (20) continuing education hours are required for license renewal.
There are no limits on home study if APA approved.
Continuing education hours must directly relate to the practice of psychology.
Three (3) hours of ethics, board rules of conduct, or professional responsibility are required at each renewal.
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Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.
Psychologists Continuing Education Courses:
Helping Your Young Client Persevere in the Face of Learning Differences is a 3-hour online video CE course. Clinicians and teachers working with students struggling at grade level are committed to raising their students’ achievement potential by creating opportunities to learn. In order to accomplish this, they need to learn new techniques that can help encourage discouraged students – particularly those who have different ways of learning – by supporting and motivating them without enabling self-defeating habits. This course will provide new strategies and techniques for helping students minimize the patterns of “learned helplessness” they have adopted, appreciate and maximize their strengths, develop a growth mindset, value effort and persistence over success, view mistakes as opportunities to learn, and develop a love of learning that will help them take personal responsibility for their school work. Course #30-75 | 2014 | 21 posttest questions
Caregiver Help Part I: Coping with Anger and Guilt is a 2-hour online video course. The emotional stress of caring for persons who are aging, chronically ill or disabled can be debilitating for family members as well as professional caregivers. This course addresses caregiver anger and guilt, and provides a three-step process that helps caregivers develop an attitude of what is described as “creative indifference” toward the people, situations and events that cause them the greatest amount of emotional stress. By gaining insights into how degenerative and progressive diseases affect the life of the caregiver, the mental health professional will be in a better position to empathize with the caregiver’s situation and provide strategies that will help them manage the stress of caring for someone whose situation will never improve. The significance of honoring and supporting caregivers’ feelings and helping them understand the importance of self-care can not only improve their physical and emotional well-being, but can also have a huge impact on the quality of care they are able to provide to their care receiver. This course includes downloadable worksheets that you can use (on a limited basis) in your clinical practice. Course #20-84 | 2014 | 15 posttest questions
Beyond Calories & Exercise: Eliminating Self-Defeating Behaviors is a 5-hour online course. This course is a self-instructional module that “walks” readers through the process of replacing their self-defeating weight issues with healthy, positive, and productive life-style behaviors. It moves beyond the “burn more calories than you consume” concept to encompass the emotional aspects of eating and of gaining and losing weight. Through 16 included exercises, you will learn how to identify your self-defeating behaviors (SDBs), analyze and understand them, and then replace them with life-giving actions that lead to permanent behavioral change. Course #50-10 | 2013 | 49 pages | 35 posttest questions
Information gathered from the Texas Board of Examiners of Psychologists on October 6, 2014.