Virginia Mental Health Counselors Continuing Education Information

By PDR Renewals



Your Virginia Counseling license renewal is due in 15 days. Are you ready?

20 percent off

CE Required: 20 hours per year, including:
2 hours in ethics, standards of practice or laws
Online CE Allowed: No limit if NBCC/APA-approved
License Expiration: 6/30, annually

You can earn all 20 hours required for renewal through NBCC/APA-sponsored online courses offered by PDR.

Order now and save 20% on CE:

Ethics and Social Media
Really Bizarre Sexual Behaviors
In the Zone
Medical Marijuana
Psychotherapy Practice Tips

Use promo code PDRPC276 at checkout to redeem. Valid on future orders only. Coupon expires 12/31/2016. Courses are valid for 3 years from purchase date, so you can stock up and save on CE for your next renewal!


Professional Development Resources, Inc. is approved to offer continuing education by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC #5590), the American Psychological Association (APA) and several other national & state accrediting bodies.


Virginia Mental Health Counselors Continuing Education Requirements

From PDRRenewals




Virginia-licensed mental health counselors have a yearly license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required to renew a license.

There are no limits for online continuing education courses if NBCC, APA, or NAADAC approved.

Two (2) hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required at each renewal.

Mental Health Counselors
Virginia Board of Counseling
View the Board Website or Email the Board
Phone: 804-367-4610
CE Required: 20 hours per year
Home Study Allowed: No limit
License Expiration: 6/30, annually
National Accreditation Accepted: NBCC, APA, NAADAC
Notes: 2 hrs ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science prof’s in VA required each renewal
Date of Info: 05/05/2015

Professional Development Resources is approved to offer continuing education to mental health counselors by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP#5590), and the American Psychological Association (APA).

You can earn all 20 hours required for renewal through online courses offered by PDR. Order now and save 20% on CE for your license renewal!


Use promo code PDRPC276 at checkout to redeem. Valid on future orders only. Coupon expires 12/31/2016.


Continuing Education Courses for Mental Health Counselors

Therapy Tidbits is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that discusses a variety of psychotherapy topics included in the March/April 2016 issue of The National Psychologist (TNP). TNP is a private, independent bi-monthly newspaper intended to keep psychologists and other mental health professionals informed about practice issues.


Children with difficult temperaments and those with developmental delays may have learned to express their dissatisfaction with challenging and defiant behavior like whining, anger, temper tantrums or bad language. They sometimes engage in negative behavior or “misbehave” because they do not have the necessary skills – communicative or otherwise – to make their needs known. The purpose of this course is to teach clinicians effective and practical strategies to manage challenging and defiant behavior in their young clients. The course will also focus on how clinicians can educate parents on how to manage difficult behavior and avoid power struggles at home. The dynamics and techniques described in this course are intended for use with typically functioning children and those with developmental or language delays. They are not generally adequate or even appropriate for children with serious behavior conditions like oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorders.


In this course, the author offers in-depth and in-person strategies for therapists to use in working with clients who present with the characteristic behavior patterns of codependency. Clients are usually unaware of the underlying codependency that is often responsible for the symptoms they’re suffering. Starting with emphasis on the delicate process of building a caring therapeutic relationship with these clients, the author guides readers through the early shame-inducing parenting styles that inhibit the development of healthy self-esteem. Through personal stories and case studies, the author goes on to describe healing interventions that can help clients identify dysfunctional patterns in relationships, start leading balanced lives and connecting with others on a new and meaningful level. Evaluative questionnaires, journaling assignments and other exercises are included to help you help your clients to overcome codependency. The rewards of successfully treating codependency are great for client and clinician alike. Even though the propensity for relapse always exists, it’s unlikely that a person who has made significant progress towards overcoming this disease will lose the gains they’ve made.

Virginia Mental Health Counselors Continuing Education and License Renewals

virginia mental health counselors continuing education Virginia-licensed mental health counselors have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty (20) hours of continuing education are required in order to renew a license. There is no limit on home study if NBCC approved. Two hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required at each renewal.

The reason for continuing education is to have the highest possible standards for the mental health counseling profession. All licensees are required to participate in continuing education as a licensing condition.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) to offer home study continuing education for NCCs (Provider #5590). We adhere to NBCC guidelines.

Continuing Education Requirements

Virginia-licensed mental health counselors have an annual license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Twenty continuing education hours are required to renew a license. There is no limit on home study if approved by NBCC. Two hours of ethics are required at each renewal. Standards of practice, or laws governing behavioral science professions in Virginia are required to renew.

License renewal information obtained from the Virginia Board of Counseling on June 8, 2013.