Managing Chronic Pain in Adults – New Online CE Course

Managing Chronic Pain in Adults

Managing Chronic Pain in AdultsMedication for chronic pain is addictive; therefore, the treatment of individuals with both substance abuse disorders and pain presents particular challenges. This course is based on a document from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery from Substances Use Disorders: A Treatment Improvement Protocol (SAMHSA Tip 54). Intended for all healthcare providers, this document explains the close connections between the neurobiology of pain and addiction, assessments for both pain and addiction, procedures for treatment of chronic pain management (both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical), side effects and symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal from pain medication, managing risk of addiction to pain medication and nonadherence to treatment protocols, maintaining patient relationships, documentation, and safety issues. Written by panel consensus, SAMHSA TIP 54 provides a good introduction to pain management issues and also a good review for experienced clinicians.

Renewal Information for Oregon Psychologists

Oregon Psychologists may now earn all 50 continuing education hours for license renewal online!

Click to view APA-approved online CE courses

Psychologists in Oregon are required to renew their licenses every 2 years. The Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners has transitioned to a birth-month renewal process. Even-numbered licensees renew in odd years, and odd-numbered licensees renew in even years. Payments are due by the last day of the licensees birth month.

A licensee must earn at least 50 CE credits completed during the two-year period immediately preceding the renewal date (minimum 4 hours in ethics). New licensees (licensed less than one year) are not required to complete any CE until after their first renewal.

Pain Management CE

All licensees must report 7 hours of Pain Management education credits. This is a “one time only” requirement. One hour must be a course provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission (OPMC); the 6 remaining hours can be of your choice of pain management topics.

Qualified Programs

Specific programs qualify as acceptable continuing education if they are formal programs of learning that contribute directly to the professional competence of the licensee.

Continuing Education programs shall qualify for credit if:

  • The subject matter deals primarily with substantive psychological issues, skills or laws, rules and ethical standards related to one’s role as a psychologist or psychologist associate.
  • The program is conducted by a qualified instructor or discussion leader. A qualified instructor or discussion leader is a person whose background, training, education, or experience makes it appropriate for the person to make a presentation or lead a discussion on the subject matter.
  • A record of attendance, such as a certificate of completion, is obtained.

Programs that do not qualify: computer skills, case staffing meeting, yoga, marketing, investments, managed care organization meetings, among others.

Credit Hours Granted

One credit hour = one actual hour attended. For an instructor/discussion leader/speaker: one credit hour = one hour of presentation time, and one credit hour = one hour of preparation time for new material only (limit 2 hours of preparation per one hour of presentation). Some limits apply to the number of hours accepted for specific categories.

WHEN to Report

Licensees report their CE credits at renewal. Renewal notices are mailed about 6 weeks prior to the due date. The renewal form contains a “continuing education report” section for you to fill in how many CE credits you have earned during the preceding licensing period.

Exception: If your last renewal period was the prorated transition period (for birth month renewals), then you may count any CE earned during that time towards the next full license period. For odd licensees, CE hours must be reported at the end of your birth month in 2012. For even licensees, CE hours must be reported at the end of your birth month in 2013.

New licensees (licensed less than one year) are not required to complete or report any CE. After a new licensee’s first renewal, they will begin accumulating their 50 hours to be reported at their second renewal. The pain management requirement must be completed during in the first CE reporting period.

HOW to Document CE (Audits)

Acceptable documentation includes: transcripts, certificates of attendance, study group syllabus, copies of published materials, copies of cancelled checks (for paid supervision or consultation), among others. You must retain documentation for two years after the reporting period. You will only submit your “CE tracking tool” and CE documentation if you are randomly selected for an audit. Please do not send these materials in with your renewal.

Random Audit: OBPE randomly audits 20% of licensees for compliance with the CE requirements. Licensees selected for a random audit will be asked to submit documentation of all continuing education for the preceding two year licensure period. Licensees will be notified and given 30 days to correct any deficiencies.

Hardship: The Board may grant exemptions in whole or in part from continuing education requirements, including extension of deadlines, in documented hardship cases.

Failure to Comply: Licensees who submit incomplete, unacceptable, or late CE Reports will be assessed a $200 delinquent fee.

Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners:

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content. Over 150 online and home study courses (including ethics and pain management) are available for Oregon Psychologists @


Can Yoga Really Help Manage Pain?

Via Scoop.itHealthcare Continuing Education

Plenty of studies have tried to determine whether taking up yoga can actually help lessen pain. In a recent report, a team of researchers sifted through the science and identified 10 randomized clinical trials on the subject involving hundreds of patients.
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