Ohio Mental Health Counselors CE Requirements and License Renewals
Ohio-licensed mental health counselors have a biennial license renewal with a date of issue deadline. Thirty (30) continuing education hours are required to renew a license. Fifteen (15) hours are allowed from online courses (distance learning) if board-approved. Three hours of ethics are also required at each renewal.
Professional Development Resources is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #5590) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for programs that meet NBCC requirements. Programs for which NBCC-approved clock hours will be awarded are identified on the Counseling page of this website. The ACEP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. Professional Development Resources is also approved as a provider of continuing education by the *Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board (Provider #RCST100501). * Ohio Counselors: check CE accreditation statement for specific course approval – if Ohio is not listed, the course is not approved.
Continuing Education Courses for Ohio Counselors:
Ethics & Risk Management: Expert Tips VII is a 3-hour online ethics course. This course addresses a variety of ethics and risk management topics in the form of 22 archived articles from The National Psychologist and is intended for psychotherapists of all specialties. Topics include:
- Why the Mismatch and What Do I Do?
- What Malpractice Insurance Isn’t
- An Ethical Prohibition That Isn’t – And Never Really Was
- Documentation, Lawyers and Common Sense
- Hot Topics in Psychological Practice
- Self-Care Important for Psychologists and Graduate Students
- I Confess …
- Forensic Psychology IS a Specialty
- Ethics with Feeling
- Vague Standards, Guidelines, Laws Create Telepsychology Risks
- Patient Access to Records: The Invisible Confidentiality Right
- The Minefield of Divorce Counseling
- Ethics, Psychology and the Prison Mess
- Risks Accompany Benefits of Telecommunications
- Most Psychologists Misinformed on ‘Duty to Warn’
- Legal Pitfalls in Treating Borderline Personality Disorder
- Ethical Issues in Assessing & Treating Elite Athletes
- Electronic Health Records Raise New Ethical Concerns
- Legal, Clinical, and Ethical Implications of Legalized Marijuana
- Test Security Must be Maintained
- No Thinking Allowed: Ethics in Reverse
- Employ Spiritual Practices Ethically
Improving Cultural Competence in Substance Abuse Treatment is a 4-hour online CE course. Culture is a primary force in the creation of a person’s identity. Counselors who are culturally competent are better able to understand and respect their clients’ identities and related cultural ways of life. This course proposes strategies to engage clients of diverse racial and ethnic groups (who can have very different life experiences, values, and traditions) in treatment. The major racial and ethnic groups in the United States covered in this course are African Americans, Asian Americans (including Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders), Latinos, Native Americans (i.e., Alaska Natives and American Indians), and White Americans. In addition to providing epidemiological data on each group, the course discusses salient aspects of treatment for these racial/ethnic groups, drawing on clinical and research literature. While the primary focus of this course is on substance abuse treatment, the information and strategies given are equally relevant to all types of health and mental health treatment.
Living a Better Life with Chronic Pain: Eliminating Self-Defeating Behaviors is a 5-hour online CE course. Certainly no one would choose a pain-filled body over a healthy, pain-free body. Yet every day, people unwittingly choose actions and attitudes that contribute to pain or lead to other less-than-desirable consequences on their health, relationships or ability to function. These actions and attitudes are what are called self-defeating behaviors (SDBs) and they keep us from living life to the fullest—if we let them. This course is a self-instructional module that “walks” readers through the process of replacing their self-defeating chronic pain issues with healthy, positive, and productive life-style behaviors. It progresses from an analysis of the emotional aspects of living with chronic pain to specific strategies for dealing more productively with it. Through 16 guided exercises, readers will learn how to identify their self-defeating behaviors (SDBs), analyze and understand them, and then replace them with life-giving actions that lead to permanent behavioral change.
Information obtained from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and MFT Board on June 10, 2015.
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