Missouri Mental Health Counselors Continuing Education and License Renewals

Institute of Mental Health 7, Nov 06

Institute of Mental Health 7, Nov 06 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Missouri-licensed mental health counselors have a biennial license renewal with a June 30th deadline. Forty (40) hours of continuing education are required to renew a license. There is no limit on home study (formal if certificate provided), and 20 hours must be formal if NBCC approved.

The main purpose of continuing education is to assure the highest possible standards for the mental health counseling profession. All licensees are required to participate in continuing education as a licensing condition.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) to offer home study continuing education for NCCs (Provider #5590). We adhere to NBCC guidelines.

Continuing Education Requirements

Missouri-licensed mental health counselors are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education in order to renew a license. Of the forty hours, twenty hours must be formal. There is no limit on home study (considered formal if certificate provided) if NBCC approved.

Information obtained from the Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors on May 21, 2013

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Renewal Information for Missouri Psychologists

Missouri Psychologists can earn all 40 continuing education hours online

Click to view APA-approved online CE

Psychologists in Missouri are required to renew their licenses biennially on January 31st (even years). 40 hours of continuing education (CE) are required to renew. The CE reporting cycle runs from December 1 to November 30 of odd years.

15 of the 40 hours must be in Category A (formal) courses. Any course approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) is considered formal and counts towards Category A coursework.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

Over 150 online/home study courses are available for Missouri Psychologists to earn at their leisure. All courses count toward Category A credits (no limit).

The Missouri Committee on Psychologists Rules & Statutes are available at: http://pr.mo.gov/psychologists-rules-statutes.asp

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Renewal Information for Missouri MFTs

Missouri MFTs can earn all 40 hours for renewal online!

Click to view approved CE courses for Missouri MFTs

Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) in Missouri are required to renew their licenses every 2 years — on February 28th of even-numbered years.

Obtaining required continuing education credits is now a part of the renewal requirement for Missouri-licensed MFTs. 40 hours of continuing education are required for each renewal cycle and 20 of those hours must be ‘formal’ in nature. All 40 hours may be earned through online courses that provide a certificate of completion and are offered by an approved sponsor. [Courses are considered formal if a certificate of completion is provided.]

Professional Development Resources is approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) to offer home study (online) continuing education for Missouri-licensed MFTs (Provider #5590).

Missouri State Committee of Marital and Family Therapists


Are there any specific educational requirements (specific courses on specific topics) that are required?

There are no specific topics of study. The regulations require at least twenty (20) hours of formal continuing education such as seminars and workshops with the remaining hours in self study. Self study of professional material includes relevant books, journals, periodicals, tapes, internet based information, and other materials and preparation for relevant lectures and talks to public groups.

Do MFTs need to have official CE credits that are paid for through an institution, or can it be verified through a Certificate of Attendance?

Any formal continuing education must be verified with a certificate of attendance or similar document that includes the name of the seminar, date, and number of continuing education hours. Formal continuing education hours are defined in the regulations as one or a combination of any of the following:

  1. Post graduate course work offered by a regionally accredited educational institution. Such course work shall be relevant to marital and family therapy as defined in section 337.700 (7) and (8) RSMo and shall not be part of the graduate course work required for licensure. One (1) semester hour of graduate credit constitutes fifteen (15) hours of continuing education.
  2. Presenting research at a formal professional meeting. A presentation shall include a paper presented in a professional journal, book, or original chapter in an edited book. Credit will be given at the rate four (4) hours for each paper or presentation. No credit would be granted for any subsequent presentation on the same subject matter during the same renewal period;
  3. Attending relevant professional meetings when such meetings include verification of attendance. Such meetings can be international, national, regional, state, or local, and must be related to the profession. The licensee shall be eligible to receive three (3) hours of continuing education credit for a full day of meeting attendance.
  4. Attending work shops, seminars, or continuing education courses relevant to marital and family therapy as defined in section 337.700 (7) and (8) RSMo. Upon request by the state committee the licensee shall provide verification of attendance such as a certificate or letter of attendance indicating the date, time, and number of hours of continuing education from the work shop, seminar or course provider.
  5. Written contributions to relevant professional books, journals, or periodicals. A licensee shall be eligible to receive three (3) hours of continuing education for publication in a non-refereed journal, six (6) hours of continuing education for publication in a referee journal, eight (8) continuing education hours for each chapter in a book, ten (10) continuing education hour for editing a book, and fifteen (15) continuing education hours for the publication of a book.
  6. Presenting at relevant professional meetings such as international, national, regional, state, or local professional associations. A licensee would be eligible for a maximum of three (3) hours per presentation.
  7. A licensee who is a faculty member at an accredited educational institution may receive up to a maximum of twenty (20) hours per year of continuing education credit for teaching at the educational institution. The area(s) taught by the licensee must relate to the following core areas; Theoretical Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy, The Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Human Development and Family Studies, Ethics and Professional Studies and Research Methodology. For the purpose of this regulation, the licensee must teach a minimum of four (4) clock hours.
  8. A licensee teaching formal continuing education hours may receive up to a maximum of four (4) hours per biennial cycle of continuing education credit. The CE must relate to the following core areas; Theoretical Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy, The Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Human Development and Family Studies, Ethics and Professional Studies, and Research Methodology. The licensee must teach a minimum of four (4) clock hours.

A licensee may obtain at up to twenty (20) hours of self study continuing education. Self study of professional material includes relevant books, journals, periodicals, tapes, and other materials and preparation for relevant lectures and talks to public groups. Preparation credit may not be claimed pursuant to this regulation for presentations that are used for CE in the aforementioned 1, 2, 6, 7, or 8.

Providing marital and family therapy, workshops on personal growth, supervision of individuals for licensure or employment, or services provided to professional associations or organizations will not considered for continuing education contact hours.

Included, but not limited to the following, is a list of approved continuing education providers:

  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and any chapter or division of AAMFT
  • American Counseling Association and any chapter or division of ACA
  • American Medical Association and any chapter or division of AMA
  • American Mental Health Counselors Association and any chapter or division of AMHCA
  • Local, state, regional, or national psychological associations
  • Local, state, regional, or national social worker associations
  • National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
  • Regionally accredited colleges and universities

If an MFT obtains continuing education in order to satisfy another licensure (e.g., LCSW, LPC or licensed psychologist), would that be able to satisfy for LMFT CE hours as well?

As long as the licensee can document the required hours meet MFT requirements, in the time frame required for MFT, continuing education obtained for other licensed professions can apply to the MFT requirement.

Regarding continuing education requirements, the regulations mandate a licensee complete a total of forty hours of continuing education prior to the expiration date of the license. At least twenty hours of the continuing education must be formal such as seminars, workshops or events. The remaining hours can be completed via self study, formal or a combination of formal and self study.

Renewal Information for Missouri Social Workers

Missouri licensed social workers renew on September 30th

Click to view CE courses

Missouri-licensed Social Workers renew on September 30th, every 2 years (from year of initial licensure). 30 hours of continuing education (CE) are required to renew. 15 hours are allowed from online (self-study) courses offered by ASWB or APA approved providers. 3 hours in ethics is required each renewal. The ethics course must be presented or written by a qualified social worker.

Here are some renewal FAQs from the Missouri State Committee for Social Workers:

You may view the rules on continuing education at http://pr.mo.gov/socialworkers‐education.asp

Do I need to submit proof of continuing education with my renewal? Yes, per question 5(A) on the renewal form.

How do I submit proof of my continuing education? Please submit proof per 20 CSR 2263‐2.082 of the rules. Documentation of continuing education may consist of‐

  • Certificates of affidavits provided by the program/sponsor;
  • Receipts for fees paid to the sponsor;
  • Educational transcripts;
  • Written verification from the university practicum that the licensee provided supervision of undergraduate or graduate students;
  • Copy of publication and letter from editor/publisher;
  • A written announcement of a presentation scheduled and/or brochure specifically identifying the licensee as the presenter of a course/seminar/program.

Does the committee require the original certificate(s) of completion? No, the original document(s) are not required. You may provide copies to the committee along with the renewal form and fee. You may keep the original documents for your records.

How many hours of self‐study are allowed each renewal period? 15 clock hours

What if I do not have proof of my continuing education? Licensees are responsible for maintaining records of continuing education activities. This documentation shall be retained for 2 years following license renewal. If you do not have proof, you should contact the program/sponsor to obtain another certificate of completion.

How many hours of ethics are required? 3 clock hours each renewal period.

Will a list of CE from my employer be acceptable? A listing of CE from your employer will be acceptable if the list contains ALL of the following information‐

  • Be on employer letterhead
  • State the licensee’s full name
  • Indicate the name/title of each training
  • State instructor & qualifications or who sponsored/approved the training(s).
  • Date of each training
  • Total number of clock hours earned at each training
  • Whether or not the training was self‐study or face‐to‐face/live.

Employer CE listings that do not clearly contain all of the information above will not be accepted.

May I pay the renewal fee by credit card? No. Payment must be submitted by check or money order along with your renewal form and proof of CE, payable to the State Committee for Social Workers.

When will supervisors for licensure be required to complete the 3 hour supervision training refresher course? Supervisors will be required to complete this course prior to the 2012 renewal and each renewal thereafter.

Will the committee review my continuing education prior to the renewal period? No. The committee will not review proof of continuing education prior to the renewal period. If you have questions as to what constitutes as acceptable continuing education, please review the rules on continuing education. A link to the rules is listed above.

How do I find out if training I completed will count towards my continuing education? If you have questions on whether or not training will qualify as acceptable continuing education, please refer to the rules on continuing education. A link to the rules is listed above.

May I still practice if my license is not renewed by the expiration date? No. Any licensee who fails to timely renew shall not perform any act for which a license is required until the license is renewed.

This is my first time renewing a license in Missouri, how many hours of CE will I need? A licensee who becomes licensed during a renewal period shall be required to obtain continuing education; however, the hours will be pro‐rated based upon the original issuance date. You may view the pro‐rated hours required by referring to the chart under section 20 CSR 2263‐2.082(5)(A) of the rules. This chart pertains to newly licensed individuals only.

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education for social workers by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program). Professional Development Resources is also approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

Renewal Information for Missouri OTs

Missouri-Licensed Occupational Therapist

Click on image to view CE courses for OTs

Missouri-licensed Occupational Therapists are required to earn 24 CCCs (hours of continuing education) every 2 years for license renewal on June 30th (odd years). 50% of the 24 required hours must be directly related to delivery of OT services.

All 24 hours may be earned through online coursework offered by an AOTA-approved provider. Certificates of completion must be retained for a minimum of 2 years in case of an audit. The Missouri Board of Occupational Therapy will conduct a random audit after the June 30th renewal.

Professional Development Resources is an AOTA approved provider of continuing education (#3159). The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA. Over 80 online courses are available to meet the CCC needs of Missouri OTs.

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Missouri SLPs – License Renewal Deadline & CE Requirements

Missouri-licensed Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) & Audiologists have an upcoming license renewal deadline of January 31, 2011. Required continuing education must be completed by December 31, 2010.

CE Requirements:

  • 30 hours of continuing education are required every 2 years
  • No limit on online or home study course work that is ASHA-approved

More information can be found on the Missouri Advisory Commission for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists website.

Professional Development Resources is an ASHA-approved provider (#AAUM) of online and mail order home study continuing education for SLPs and Audiologists. Courses can be completed at the participant’s leisure (24/7) on the company website.