Minnesota Psychologists Continuing Education and Licensing

By Carmen Wilson


Minnesota-licensed psychologists have a license renewal every two years with a date of issue deadline. Forty (40) continuing education hours are required to renew a license, and there are no limits for online CE is APA approved.

Minnesota-licensed psychologists can earn all 40 hours for renewal through the online courses available on the psychology page of this site. Click here to view APA-approved online CEUs.

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.


Online Continuing Education Courses for Psychologists


In this course, the author offers in-depth and in-person strategies for therapists to use in working with clients who present with the characteristic behavior patterns of codependency. Clients are usually unaware of the underlying codependency that is often responsible for the symptoms they’re suffering. Starting with emphasis on the delicate process of building a caring therapeutic relationship with these clients, the author guides readers through the early shame-inducing parenting styles that inhibit the development of healthy self-esteem. Through personal stories and case studies, the author goes on to describe healing interventions that can help clients identify dysfunctional patterns in relationships, start leading balanced lives and connecting with others on a new and meaningful level. Evaluative questionnaires, journaling assignments and other exercises are included to help you help your clients to overcome codependency. The rewards of successfully treating codependency are great for client and clinician alike. Even though the propensity for relapse always exists, it’s unlikely that a person who has made significant progress towards overcoming this disease will lose the gains they’ve made.


Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe. They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. This introductory course, from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), provides a brief overview of bipolar disorder in adults, including: signs and symptoms; diagnosis; risk factors; and treatment options.


Culture is a primary force in the creation of a person’s identity. Counselors who are culturally competent are better able to understand and respect their clients’ identities and related cultural ways of life. This course proposes strategies to engage clients of diverse racial and ethnic groups (who can have very different life experiences, values, and traditions) in treatment. The major racial and ethnic groups in the United States covered in this course are African Americans, Asian Americans (including Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders), Latinos, Native Americans (i.e., Alaska Natives and American Indians), and White Americans. In addition to providing epidemiological data on each group, the course discusses salient aspects of treatment for these racial/ethnic groups, drawing on clinical and research literature. While the primary focus of this course is on substance abuse treatment, the information and strategies given are equally relevant to all types of health and mental health treatment.


This is a brief course that describes various models of group work and addresses the aspects of group psychotherapy with adolescents that distinguish it from individual therapy, and techniques for identifying and working with difficult behavior. How is adolescent group work different from individual work with youth? What are the advantages? The challenges? This course will address how therapists and group leaders can work with youth who are dealing with negative life experiences to address cognitive change, strength mobilization and develop effective coping techniques.

Minnesota Psychologists Continuing Education Requirements

minnesota psychologists continuing education and license renewals
Minnesota psychologists have a biennial license renewal with a date of issue deadline.

Forty (40) continuing education hours are required for license renewal.

There are no limits on home study if APA approved.

Click Here to See CE Courses for Psychologists!

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content.

Online Continuing Education Courses for Psychologists

Helping Your Young Client Persevere in the Face of Learning Differences is a 3-hour video CE course. Clinicians and teachers working with students struggling at grade level are committed to raising their students’ achievement potential by creating opportunities to learn. In order to accomplish this, they need to learn new techniques that can help encourage discouraged students – particularly those who have different ways of learning – by supporting and motivating them without enabling self-defeating habits. This course will provide new strategies and techniques for helping students minimize the patterns of “learned helplessness” they have adopted, appreciate and maximize their strengths, develop a growth mindset, value effort and persistence over success, view mistakes as opportunities to learn, and develop a love of learning that will help them take personal responsibility for their school work. Course #30-75 | 2014 | 21 posttest questions

Living a Better Life with Arthritis: Eliminating Self-Defeating Behaviors is a 5-hour online course. Every day, people unwittingly choose actions and attitudes that contribute to pain or lead to other less-than-desirable consequences for their health, relationships or ability to function. These actions and attitudes are what are called self-defeating behaviors (SDBs) and they keep us from living life to the fullest—if we let them. This course is a self-instructional module that “walks” readers through the process of replacing their self-defeating arthritis pain issues with healthy, positive, and productive life-style behaviors. It progresses from an analysis of the emotional aspects of living with arthritis pain to specific strategies for dealing more productively with it. Through 16 guided exercises, readers will learn how to identify their self-defeating behaviors (SDBs), analyze and understand them, and then replace them with life-giving actions that lead to permanent behavioral change. Course #50-15 | 2014 | 47 pages | 35 posttest questions

Biology of Aging: Research Today for a Healthier Tomorrow is a 2-hour online course. What is aging? Can we live long and live well—and are they the same thing? Is aging in our genes? How does our metabolism relate to aging? Can your immune system still defend you as you age? Since the National Institute on Aging was established in 1974, scientists asking just such questions have learned a great deal about the processes associated with the biology of aging. Technology today supports research that years ago would have seemed possible only in a science fiction novel. This course introduces some key areas of research into the biology of aging. Each area is a part of a larger field of scientific inquiry. You can look at each topic individually, or you can step back to see how they fit together, interwoven to help us better understand aging processes. Research on aging is dynamic, constantly evolving based on new discoveries, and so this course also looks ahead to the future, as today’s research provides the strongest hints of things to come. Course #20-85 | 2012 | 30 pages | 15 posttest questions

Information obtained from the Minnesota Board of Psychology on October 15, 2014.