Renewal Information for Illinois Social Workers

Illinois social workers can earn all 30 hours for renewal online!

Click to view online CE for Illinois Social Workers

Illinois Social Workers renew their licenses on November 30th of odd years. 30 hours of continuing education (CE) are required to renew. 3 hours must be in social work ethics. All 30 hours are allowed from online coursework offered by an approved provider.

Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education for social workers by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program). Professional Development Resources is also approved by the Illinois DPR as a Registered Social Work CE sponsor (Provider #159-000531). Over 100 online and home study courses are available for Illinois-licensed Social Workers @

Continuing Education Requirements

Every licensee who applies for renewal of a license as a social worker or clinical social worker shall complete 30 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of social work or clinical social work. At least 3 of the 30 hours must include content related to the ethical practice of social work.

A prerenewal period is the 24 months preceding November 30 of each odd-numbered year.

CE requirements shall be the same for licensed social workers and licensed clinical social workers.

One CE hour shall equal one clock hour.

Courses that are part of the curriculum of a university, college or other educational institution shall be allotted CE credit at the rate of 15 CE hours for each semester hour or 10 CE hours for each quarter hour of school credit awarded.

A renewal applicant shall not be required to comply with CE requirements for the first renewal of an Illinois license.

Social workers or clinical social workers licensed in Illinois but residing and practicing in other states shall comply with the CE requirements set forth in this Section.

Approved Continuing Education (CE)

  1. CE hours shall be earned by verified attendance (e.g., certificate of attendance or certificate of completion) at or participation in a program or course (“program”) that is offered or sponsored by an approved continuing education sponsor.
  2. CE credit also may be earned for completion of a self-study course that is offered by an approved sponsor. Each self-study course shall include an examination.
  3. CE credit may be earned through postgraduate training programs (e.g., extern, residency or fellowship programs) or completion of social work related courses that are a part of the curriculum of a college, university or graduate school of social work.
  4. CE credit may be earned for verified teaching in a college, university or graduate school of social work and/or as an instructor of continuing education programs given by approved sponsors. Credit will be applied at the rate of 1.5 hours for every hour taught and only for the first presentation of the program (i.e., credit shall not be allowed for repetitious presentations of the same program).
  5. CE credit may be earned for authoring papers, publications or books and for preparing presentations and exhibits. The preparation of each published paper, book chapter or presentation dealing with social work or clinical social work may be claimed as 5 hours of credit. A presentation must be before a professional audience. Five credit hours may be claimed for only the first time the information is published or presented.

Approved CE Sponsors and Programs

  • The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and its affiliates
  • The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and its affiliates
  • Any other person, firm, association, corporation or other group that has been approved and authorized by the Division pursuant to subsection (c)(2) of this Section upon recommendation of the Board to coordinate and present continuing education courses or programs.