Via – Healthcare Continuing Education
The Autism Society membership encompasses many professionals from various disciplines—medical practitioners (including pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, neurologists and pediatric neurologists, among others), educators and paraeducators, therapists (speech, physical, occupational and others), behavioral analysts, social workers and more. Professionals serve on our board of directors and advisory boards, contribute to our quarterly magazine and present at and attend our national conference. Our national conference includes many offerings geared toward professionals, a number of which offer continuing education credits, and also provides professionals many opportunities to share ideas and knowledge.
It is important that professionals work together with parents for the individual’s benefit. While professionals will use their experience and training to make recommendations about a person’s treatment options, you also need to listen to parents and caregivers who have unique knowledge about the individual’s needs and abilities that should be taken into account for a more individualized course of action. As a professional, you are in a unique position to impart valuable, validated information about the individual’s diagnosis and recommended course of treatment to their family that can make a measurable difference in their lives.
Professional Development Resources is a proud member of the Autism Society.
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