License Renewal & Continuing Education Information for Louisiana Psychologists

Louisiana psychologist licenses expire annually on July 31st.

Louisiana psychologists can earn all 30 hours for renewal online!Each psychologist is required to complete 30 hours of credit of continuing education within the biennial reporting period, with 2 of the 30 in ethics or forensics. [Odd licensees report on odd years, even licensees report in even years (i.e., License #3120 reports in 2012)].

The biennial reporting period is July 1st through June 30th (i.e., July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013).

Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Louisiana psychologists can earn all 30 hours for renewal through online (home study) coursework offered @

Licensees can accumulate continuing education hours of credit in six primary ways:

  • completion for credit of a graduate level course, sponsored by an acceptable institution of higher education
  • documentation, by the instructor, of the completion of at least 75 percent of any audited graduate level course which is sponsored by an acceptable institution of higher education
  • preparation and teaching of a graduate level psychology course in an accredited institution of higher education;
  • completion of continuing education activities conducted or approved by an acceptable institution or organization
  • preparation and teaching of a seminar or workshop conducted under the sponsorship of an acceptable institution or organization
  • registered attendance at a professional meeting, conference, or convention which lasts one full day or longer

Acceptable continuing education activities are defined as:

  • formally organized and planned instructional experiences
  • programs which have objectives compatible with the post-doctoral educational needs of the licensed psychologist
  • professional meetings, conferences, or conventions lasting one full day or longer which are designed to promote professional development

The board will recognize the following as acceptable sponsors of the continuing education requirements:

  • accredited institutions of higher education
  • hospitals which have approved Regional Medical Continuing Education Centers
  • hospitals which have APA approved doctoral internship training programs
  • national, regional, or state professional associations, or divisions of such associations, which specifically offer or approve graduate or post-doctoral continuing education training
  • American Psychological Association (APA) approved sponsors and activities offered by APA (including home study courses)
  • activities sponsored by the Board of Examiners of Psychologists
  • activities sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals or its subordinate units and approved by the chief psychologist of the sponsoring state office

Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists: