Course Spotlight: Improving Communication with Your Young Clients

Improving Communication with Your Young Clients is one of our most top-rated online continuing education courses, receiving rave reviews from SLPs, OTs, social workers and psychologists.

Course Abstract:

Improving Communication with Your Young ClientsHealthy professional and personal relationships rely heavily on effective communication techniques and respectful conversational skills. Clinicians and other professionals who work with children and their families can benefit from adding to their repertoire by learning communication techniques that improve the quality of these relationships. The correct use of language can increase your young clients’ self-esteem, motivate children to learn, engage their willing cooperation, defuse power struggles, and teach conflict resolution skills. With this information, you will also be better prepared to manage difficult conversations. The purpose of this course is to teach clinicians effective and practical communication and conversational skills to use in the classroom and in one-on-one situations with young clients and their families. Course #30-33 | 2009 | 62 pages | 20 posttest questions

Customer Reviews:

“This course was great! I loved the examples provided for review and they highlighted the information for learning. Great for all therapists, families, medical and education supporters for our young clients.” – P.C. (SLP)

“I enjoyed this course and would recommend it to others.” R.L. (OT)

“I loved this favorite so far! As a parent and professional, I will be using it immediately!” – J.S. (SLP)

“This was a very good course. I will definitely use this knowledge every day as a school-based COTA. I would highly recommend this course to fellow therapists. Actually, I wish I had taken this course before having had children of my own!” – A.B. (SLP)

“Interesting, a good way to review and think about current caseload of children.” – J.H. (SLP)

“This was by far the best course I’ve completed out of 15+. The materials were informative, clear and concise without being too vague. Great course.” – K.L. (Social Worker)

“Best course ever! My favorite! Very informative and extremely well written. This is a course that everyone could use in teaching them effective ways to communicate with others at any level.” – L.M. (Psychologist)

“I appreciate the large number of references. Thank you!” – M.R. (SLP)

“Loved all the examples…helped to clarify.” – D.D. (SLP)

“Very good course, with pertinent learning and tools for use with clients, their parents, and teachers/other people involved in client’s care and education.” – J.A.H. (OT)

“This is an excellent course. The topic and ideas are very practical, and since they are written from a therapist viewpoint, they are very applicable to my situation (school OT). The text was straightforward and easy to read, not bogged down in endless reporting of “studies” and “research” (though this was certainly evidence based).” – K.C. (OT)

“Excellent course and reference material-will definitely improve my behavior management during tx. This course will also help me to address consultations with my students’ classroom teachers as the time available to them to understand and manage behavioral differences within the school day is small – this material carries very easy, fast and effective ways to assist these teachers within a small window of time.” – P.S. (SLP)

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify six skills for responding empathically to children’s negative feelings
2. Name ten techniques that help engage children’s cooperation
3. List six skills adults can use to avoid punishment and deliver discipline effectively
4. Identify seven techniques for encouraging children’s autonomy
5. Discriminate between evaluative praise and descriptive praise
6. Name nine temperamental traits that affect therapist/client communication

About the Author:

Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP, a certified Speech Pathologist, received her master’s degree from Hunter College in New York in Communication Sciences. She worked as a Speech Pathologist in preschools for the developmentally disabled in the New York school system before staying home full time with her family. She reentered the workforce as a Parent Educator for Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau facilitating “How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk,” and “Siblings Without Rivalry” workshops and presentations based on “Raising Your Spirited Child.” Adina also runs workshops based on “How to Talk so Kids can Learn: At Home and at School” for teachers and other mental health professionals. She has been featured at numerous non-profit organizations and private schools in Cleveland. Adina developed TEAM Communication Ventures and conducts parenting and teacher training via telephone nation wide. She lives with her husband and four lively children in Cleveland, Ohio.

CE Information:

Professional Development Resources is recognized as a provider of continuing education by the following:
AOTA: American Occupational Therapy Association (#3159)
APA: American Psychological Association
ASHA: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (AAUM)
ASWB: Association of Social Work Boards (#1046)
CDR: Commission on Dietetic Registration (#PR001)
NBCC: National Board for Certified Counselors (#5590)
NAADAC: National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors (#00279)
California: Board of Behavioral Sciences (#PCE1625)
Florida: Boards of SW, MFT & MHC (#BAP346); Psychology & School Psychology (#50-1635); Dietetics & Nutrition (#50-1635); Occupational Therapy Practice (#34). PDResources is CE Broker compliant.
Illinois: DPR for Social Work (#159-00531)
Ohio: Counselor, Social Worker & MFT Board (#RCST100501)
South Carolina: Board of Professional Counselors & MFTs (#193)
Texas: Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists (#114) & State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678)