This week only Florida Mental Health Professionals (Counselors, Social Workers & MFTs) can save 50% on the required continuing education courses for their March 31, 2011 license renewal!
Featured Online Courses:
Preventing Medical Errors in Behavioral Health – This course is intended to increase clinicians’ awareness of the types of errors that can occur within mental health practice, how such errors damage clients, and numerous ways they can be prevented. Its emphasis is on areas within mental health practice that carry the potential for “medical” errors. Examples include improper diagnosis, breach of confidentiality, failure to maintain accurate clinical records, failure to comply with mandatory abuse reporting laws, inadequate assessment of potential for violence, and the failure to detect medical conditions presenting as psychiatric disorders (or vice-versa). It includes detailed plans for error reduction and prevention like root cause analysis, habitual attention to patient safety, and ethical and legal guidelines. The course includes numerous cases illustrations to help demonstrate common and not-so-common behavioral health errors and specific practices that can help clinicians become proactive in preventing them. 2010 | 2 Hours CE | 31 pages | 15 posttest questions | Course #20-10B | Regular Price: $28 – Sale Price: $14!
Ethics & Boundaries in Psychotherapy – This course gives psychotherapists the tools they need to resolve the common ethical and boundary issues and dilemmas that they may expect to encounter in their everyday professional practice. Privacy and confidentiality, multiple relationships, conflicts of interest, self-awareness, therapy with families and couples, personal, cultural and religious values, duty to warn, duty to protect, professional accountability, supervision and peer consultation, fees and fee setting are all permeated with boundary issues. 2006 | 3 Hours CE | 43 pages | 20 posttest questions | Course #30-12 | Regular Price: $36 – Sale Price $18!
Domestic Violence – Intimate Partner Violence – This is a web-based course requiring an internet connection to access the required online reading materials. Course instructions provide direct links to the 6 public-access online documents. Domestic violence takes many forms, including intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, and elder maltreatment. Awareness of domestic violence is essential for all professionals involved in clinical care. Identification of domestic violence and appropriate referrals can result in significant and meaningful change, including both a reduction of personal suffering and a reduction of long-term costs to society in terms of health care, legal involvement, and lost productivity. Inappropriate responses, or lack of responses, may both result in considerable harm; therefore, clinician education is fundamental to ensuring that standards of care are consistently implemented across healthcare systems. This course begins with a definition of intimate partner violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), followed by fact sheets with statistics and hotline referral numbers, information about risk and protective factors for becoming an abuser or victim, assessment measures compiled by the CDC, information on referral, links to resource pages filled with a variety of essential tools for change, and Florida-specific information regarding statistics and referral options. Course #20-47 | 2011 | 14 posttest questions | 5 page course download includes instructions, links to online reading materials, and posttest questions | Regular Price: $18 – Sale Price $9!
Professional Development Resources is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program); by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC Provider #5590); by the American Psychological Association (APA); and by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC, Provider #000279). Professional Development Resources is also approved by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling (Provider #BAP346) and is CE Broker compliant.